Wednesday, March 27, 2019

10 Things About Me

It's hard to think of things that someone might not know if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram.  I tend to be pretty open and sharing about myself and my struggles...I think.  So let's start in the beginning...

1.  I was born in West Virginia.  The town I lived in, and this is not a joke, doesn't have a stop light in it.  Only a 4 way stop in the middle of down town.  Very rural, but very beautiful.

2.  My Daddy worked in the coal mines, and my Mother is a nurse.  When we moved to Florida Dad went to work in welding a fabricating.  He used to build concrete plants.

3.  I work with my husband.  No, I'm not crazy...or maybe I am...hmmm.  T. and I have worked together for over 10 years, probably more like 13 or 14.  I can't remember when I was actually hired to work in the family business, LOL, but I know it's at least 12 years.

4.  I have a fascination with Scotland.  When I was 14 or 15 a family friend traced my Mother's dad's side back as far as she could and found that they were Scottish and English.  I forget which was which, but she also found out that they were sold as indentured servants so they could pay for their boat ride over here from Great Britain.  My great, great...whatever grandfather worked his tariff off first and stayed to help my great, great...whatever grandmother work off hers.  Such a love story!  Ever since then I have been fascinated with Scotland.  Braveheart didn't help either, LOL!

5.  I don't like to read books.  I've listened to some fiction books before, but for whatever reason I have a hard time just reading a book.  Not that I don't.  I just finished a book called Every Body Matters by Gary Thomas, which is fantastic!  But I have to force myself to just read.  My Mother and my Sister read books like there's no tomorrow.  They crave books, they have to read.  I wish I had that craving sometimes, but if I don't read a book for weeks...I'm good.  I do enjoy reading to my girls, but if the book is a chapter book...I am not thinking nice thoughts in my head trying to finish it.

6.  My favorite game when I was little was Mrs. Pac-Man.  I had a Sega Genesis, and I had worked up to being able to beat that game, but only if I used the joy stick.  The controller was too much for my thumb, lol.  Had I not been that good at it I doubt it would have been my favorite.  I also liked playing jacks, cards, and Yahtzee...and do not play Gin Rummy with my Mother.  She will beat you EVERY. TIME!  So annoying!

7.  I'm not a fan of the beach.  Yes, I live 10 minutes away, but I can't even remember the last time I went to the beach.  We went to the jetty the other day to kill time, but that's not the beach.  My Daddy loved laying out at the beach every weekend when I was little.  I remember going with him all the time.  Maybe that's why I don't like it so much anymore.  We'd load up the car on the weekend, stop at the gas station for ice, beer for him, and an Icee for me, and off we went till about 3 or 4 in the afternoon.  Dad would swim with me, and he would help me build sand castles, and find shark's teeth.  Good times.

8.  If my Mother would ask me what I wanted her to make me for dinner it would be 1 of 2 things.  Either biscuits and gravy, or pinto beans, corn bread, and coleslaw.  Those 2 meals are my comfort foods.  I remember the first time my family convinced me to put my coleslaw in my beans with my corn bread.  That was a glorious day, LOL!  The slaw Mother makes is a sweet slaw, so having that with the salt of the beans and bread is a great my opinion.

9.  I can be very vain.  I have gotten better.  At least I don't look at every mirror and reflection of myself that I pass like I used to.  I have also worn makeup since I was 13.  My hubby tried to get me not to wear any after I spent the bigger part of our summer vacation last year without any on.  He even mentioned how it brought out my eyes, insert eye flutter *here*.  I tried when we got home from NC, I really did.  I spent 2 weeks without makeup and hated every minute.  I have a more red skin tone, plus I'm very fair and any amount of blood flow to my face, you can see.  If I rub my cheek just a little bit, it turns red.  If I cough, sneeze, laugh...I turn red, really red.  That was really hard for me to dismiss especially when I'd get comments about my red face and people would ask if I was feeling okay...when I don't wear mascara or brow product you cannot see my eyelashes or eyebrows.  I really do look like I'm sick.  Two weeks of no make up and I was done!  I tried to do a "no make up, makeup look", but that only worked for about another week before I was back to my usual routine. I did stop using a full coverage foundation however, plus I also really like playing with makeup, especially eye shadows.  So much fun!  I'm addicted I guess and not wanting to give up my habit, LOL!

10.  This one may touch some of you the wrong way, and it's not something that I really let out there because of people's opinions about this matter, but...hey...this is part of me and it's something that you're not likely to know... 

I'm not really an animal lover anymore.  I used to be a huge animal lover, but working as a vet tech for a couple of years changed me.  Also becoming a Mommy changed me even more.  For me, they are just animals, yes I pet my friend's and family's animals and pay attention to them, and I enjoy showing my girls the wild animals at Zoo's and Disney, but I am not going to own any...not right now at least.  That could change down the road, but right now...NOPE!  We are gone most of the day and that's just not fair to a dog or a cat, so much so that the dog I did have, I gave to my sister to take care of.  Also because after Ann was born I just couldn't handle the care that the pup needed as well as my children, husband, and house.  So, after getting peed on, pooed on, barked at, snapped at, scratched by many animals at the vet's office and mine when I'd groom her...I will do just fine without any animals.  Yes, my children did all that to me too, but at least they grew out of it, LOL!  What can I say, if you're an avid animal lover, good for you, but as for me right now, I don't want any. 

I bet you want to know what I tell my girls when they ask if they can have pets...right?  My answer, "Sure, when you move out."  I can also throw in the fact that my husband is allergic to cats and dogs and it would make his allergies flare up.

What do you think?  Are you surprised?  Did you know all that about me?  Some of you might, but I bet most won't.

Till next time!
Peace, love, and God bless,

#westvirginia #family #friends #pets #animals #makeup #eyeshadow #mrspacman #sega #vanity #eyes #vet #children #girlmom #gemsfromgod #blog #aboutme #mascara #brow #pintobeans #coleslaw #cornbread #biscuits #gravy #mother #daddy #florida #beach #gasstation #books #scotland #england #greatbritain #braveheart #lovestory #husband #coalminer #coal #coalminersdaughter #rural #surprised #beautiful #me

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10 Things About Me

It's hard to think of things that someone might not know if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram.  I tend to be pretty open and sharin...