While I was at work the other morning I grabbed my
purse to get my hair brush out, and while I was looking for my brush I found
everything but the kitchen sink, then I found my brush. “Good grief” I thought…I didn’t even know I
had this stuff in my purse.
Being the picture taking person that I am here ya
Having all this external clutter around makes me see
all the internal clutter I have lying around too. All the internal clutter that I didn’t even
know was there until I needed something.
Then I started looking for it and I see all that “stuff” that I had
never put away. That leaves me open to
attack from the enemy. Our minds are
something I believe the enemy has captive.
The way we think and how we perceive things as believers is vital to our
witness to others. If we are not
thinking differently and perceiving things differently people see it in our lives.
"Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires." Romans 8:5 NIV Our internal lives are vital. If we are thinking bad thoughts and feeding
bad habits it comes out in our lives. How we talk to people, how we treat
people, and how we see people. The same
goes for good thoughts and good habits.
Here are some questions I’ve asked myself…What am I
watering my mind with? Who do I socialize
with? What do I listen too? Who do
I listen too? What am I watching on TV? What am I reading? What do my friends post on Facebook that I see? What do I post on Facebook? What internet sites do I frequent? Especially in today’s world with how easily
everything is accessible we must have boundaries. When we stumble we have to clean up our mess
put things away, and we must have our “cleaning supplies” on hand, or should I say
‘in mind’. Keeping the Word in our minds
and available to us is a big part of the battle. EVERYDAY we must put on our armor. (Ephesians 6:10-18) Being a good steward of our minds is so
crucial. This is a battle that is not going to be won until we are standing in front of our Father in heaven so get ready.
Peace, Love, and God Bless