Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter everyone!  He is risen!  

My family and I enjoyed a sunrise service with our church this morning.  That is where I snapped this picture :) I love taking pictures...of anything so you might see some silly things from me from time to time.  Here is a Gem the Lord gave me earlier this week, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  I couldn't stop crying.

God’s love is so amazing. The Lord gave me a sweet vision of his love for me this week. When Jesus died on the cross and he said, “It is finished.” That’s exactly what he meant. Through my faith in Jesus Christ the Father sees me through Jesus. I am in Him. He sees me and says, “This is my daughter in whom I am well pleased.”

Then, the vision of my Gem greeting me when I pick her up from Nana’s house. Arms open wide, huge smile on her face, and then she calls my name as she knows me, “Mommy!” She doesn’t look at me, at least not right now, and see my sin, my pride, my selfishness, she sees her “Mommy” whom she loves and who loves her.  It's the same with the Lord.  

Ya know, the past couple weeks when Gem sees a cross she calls it a heart, and I correct her, because I know she knows it’s a cross, and not a heart, BUT…isn’t that God’s heart? Isn’t the cross our symbol of His heart for us? Putting His only son on it, and raising him from the dead, so he could open his arms wide, smile, and call us by name? 

I hope you see some Gems from God this week.  Now when Gem sees a cross and calls it a heart I don't correct her, I look at her and smile saying, "Yes baby, that is God's heart for us."

Peace, Love, and God Bless! 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Seeing Jesus in Easter Eggs

This is my attempt at a blog :)  hopefully you can find encouragement here to look for Gems from God in your everyday life.  Please enjoy my first post about my daughter Gem (22 months old) and her first experience hunting Easter eggs, and how the Lord spoke to me through my little Gem from God.

Thinking back about this past Wednesday when Gem and I were at Mother’s.  We dyed eggs and did an egg hunt.  Not really hiding them of course, just placing them here and there on the grass along the path we would lead her.  We gave her a basket, I turned on my video camera on my phone, and off we went to the back yard.  

“Gem, look for the Easter eggs. Find them you see any?” I said to her as we walked.  

Her eyes darted here and there looking for the eggs eager, excited, and hopeful that she would find one.  Then, seeing one ahead of us on the grass, her eyes lit up and she ran to the egg, “Found one!” She screamed and laughed excited that she found her little egg she made.    

Putting that egg in the basket she looked back to me and Nana asking, “More?”  

“Keep looking.”  I said.  

And again, seeing one she runs to the egg, “Found another one!”

It was so adorable watching her find those eggs.  How happy she was to find them, and how joyfully she ran to them when she found them. 

The Lord showed me a few things that afternoon... 

Like, how Gem was very careful about each egg.  Choosing which color she wanted each one to be, and how carefully she decorated them with pretty stickers and glitter.  She made each of them beautiful and they were just for her, exactly how she wanted them to be.  Exactly how God makes us.  Knitted together beautifully in His image, and how He gives each one of us certain gifts and talents just for Him.   

Also, how we are supposed to seek and find the Lord.  How like each egg was out there in the open along the path, the Lord can also be seen along our paths.  Just out there in the open.  Peaceful and quite like those eggs, just waiting to be found. Beautiful in color and decorated with care, each one specially placed there for us to find, BUT do we, like my sweet little Gem, RUN to the Lord when we find Him?  Do we see where He wants us to go and run there joyful and laughing, excited that we looked and found Him? (Luke 11:9)  Saying, “ Yes, Lord, I see you!  Thank you!”  That’s a good question…do I do that?

I also see how the Lord runs to us.  He meets us where we are along our paths.  Picking up each one He opens His arms and takes us into His “basket” with truth, love, and care.  Excited that He has us, and how there is singing in heaven “over one sinner that repents.” (Luke 15:10) How amazing!

Praise God for His love for us. 

Praise God for what He lets us see in our day to day lives.  

How lovely is the Lord and how beautifully He can speak to me.  

How beautifully He can speak to all of us if we just seek Him. 

Happy Easter Friends!  He is Risen!

Peace, Love, and God Bless!


#jesus #easter #eggs #gemfromgod #girlmom #faith 

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